Incontinence & LBL

Why Do I Leak Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning To Use The Restroom?

Written by Dr. Cindy Long
30 Dec, 2020
1.5 min. Read
Why Do I Leak Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning To Use The Restroom?

Why Do I Leak Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning To Use The Restroom?

For most of us, morning is the time of day that our bladders are most full, so certain underlying bladder issues may be more apparent. For instance, if there is significant relaxation under the bladder or urethra (conditions such as pelvic prolapse, cystocele or stress incontinence) the strain of a heavy, full bladder combined with position change may be enough pressure to overcome the contraction in the muscles of the urethra, which may result in some leakage. Or perhaps there is an underlying weakness in the sphincter muscle of the urethra, what's called intrinsic sphincter deficiency. Other common conditions such as urge incontinence (where the bladder muscle contracts at times that it shouldn't) may be triggered by certain events that signify you will reach the toilet soon, such as turning the knob on the bathroom door or the sound of water from the faucet. Also, the urine is most concentrated in the morning and this can be irritating to the bladder, causing it to contract. Additionally, medications you may have recently taken such as sedatives and muscle relaxants may make you prone to leaks. So there are many reasons why this may occur; an evaluation by an experienced healthcare provider can help determine the underlying causes contributing to your symptoms.

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